Welcome to our compact guide to the most important pickleball rules. Here you will find out everything you need to know to get started successfully!

The most important rules at a glance
Serving: Pickleball uses underhand and drop serves. The ball must connect with the paddle at or below the waist.
announcement of the score
The server has to call the FULL score before each serve.
double bounce rule
Double Bounce Rule must be followed - Both on the serve and the return of serve, the ball must bounce!!
point allocation
The serving team can only score points. The server switches sides of the court after each point won.
double game
In Doubles pickleball, the first team to serve at the beginning of a set, only has one service turn (serve until the serving team loses a rally). Then, each side has two service turns (each player serves until the service team loses a rally).
Non-Volley Zone (Kitchen)
No volleys are permitted while making contact with the Non-Volley Zone (also known as the Kitchen).
Non-Volley Zone (Kitchen)
Shots after the pickleball bounces are allowed in the Kitchen area.
line rules
Remember: shots on the lines of the pickleball court are “in” with one exception-the No-Volley Zone (Kitchen) line on the serve is “out”.
points scoring
The winning team needs to win 2 sets. Each set consists of winning 11 points and if the score is 10-10, you have to win by 2 points to win the set.
ball announcements
Call the balls (out/in) so everyone can hear you.
Have fun!
Our in-house L1 @iptpa Pickleball Trainer is always available to answer questions during our Open Play sessions concerning the full (and deeply extensive) pickleball game rules.
Visit us in Vienna and experience for yourself why pickleball is so much fun!